Sarg, si tu passes par là
RICHTER 30/11 à 14:49
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Diary of Dreams cherche des dates pour 2010. A faire suivre aux promoteurs toulousains de ta connaissance ^^

Dear promoter,

DIARY OF DREAMS are available for concerts and festivals in 2010.

In spring 2009 (IF) opens chapter 9 of the dream diary, and after the first few notes it is clear again that this band has the defining ability to reinvent itself while at the same time staying true to its character. The sonic universe of (IF) is simply overwhelming and it is so full of honest, fragile and extraordinary melodies that it sends shivers down your spine.

The (IF) release is followed by an extensive tour that starts in the German town of Görlitz, then leads through Russia and the Baltic states, throws in a number of festivals gigs and ends with the Into Darkness tour in Prague. Right after the tour, the band starts to work on its tenth studio release, and again it will be thrilling to find out where Diary of Dreams will lead their listeners this time.

There is no release date yet for the new masterpiece, but the first live shows for 2010 are already booked:


19.03.2010 D Bochum Ruhrcongress Hallen
20.03.2010 D Erfurt Thüringenhalle
27.03.2010 D Gießen Hessenhallen
01.04.2010 D München Zenith
03.04.2010 D Berlin Columbiahalle
04.04.2010 D Dresden Alter Schlachthof
09.04.2010 D Magdeburg AMO
10.04.2010 D Hamburg Docks
16.04.2010 D Leipzig Felsenkeller
17.04.2010 D Köln Palladium
07.05.2010 D Bielefeld Ringlokschuppen
08.05.2010 CH Zürich Dynamo
25.07.2010 D Köln Amphi Festival 2010

You can find more information about DIARY OF DREAMS at:

Please ask for free dates.
We would be pleased to receive requests and offers.

Best regards,


CONTRIBE Am Nussbaum 5 D - 35606 Solms
P: +4964415679660 F: +4964415679662
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